Sunday, November 18, 2012

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The bodyguard out of the bedchamber, step all over the place a blood, Gao the amount of Zhen hurtle to the segment easy treasure ground before, are Gao Shi Jia's ministers with all of the soldiers that he come in, the nobody puts impress in the eye, on entering bedchamber to then and greatly chop down to greatly kill, to the malicious hand in the female bodyguards.Segment easy treasure nearby of the female bodyguard is less and less, finally the last also fell flop, the segment easy treasure brandishes a double-edged sword and Gao Shi Jia's minister to fight, she can't fighting skill, can lift a double-edged sword to split indiscriminately disorderly sting, on the body although a wound didn't take, tired get big sweat to sprinkle Li, the hair spreads pant noisily in disorder!
Although Gao Shi Jia's minister rebels to force a temple, can arrive this to truely need regicidal last moment,the nobody really dare to start, murdering the gentleman is to weigh most of offense, and even if rebel success, Gao Zhen Liang necessarily will kill people to kill as well, he how can let to manage common people to know greatly is that did he kill emperor, know what happened perhaps will be killed by the whole amount!Gao Shi Jia's minister all a little bit regretted at this time, really not the with Gao Zhen Liang enter into behind temple, such as fore the noodles also lives a life,cheap beats by dre, can on following to come in, when this impress passes away, is also them ground person's head falls to the ground it engrave!
Gao amount of Zhen sees the under charge hesitate to you do me too much honor to really begin, his in the mind not quick, this helps chicken heart, the affairs all attained this top, also wanted to renege?He raises long-handled sword and marks time to come forward, will start to kill off an easy treasure in person!
The segment easy treasure is used a double-edged sword Gao Zhen Liang and called a way:"Gao Zhen Liang, you did this then want to murder a gentleman?"
"Hum, this is what you force me, blame you strange Yang Jin to test!Yi, you that utterly loyal big minister, how don't nearby protect to drive at you!"A hideous smile of Gao Zhen Liang, this will chop down knife descend!
Segment easy treasure way:"Gao Zhen Liang, I am clay-cold to necessarily become Malicious ghost, in no case Rao you!"Finish saying, a double-edged sword returns to Feng, to one Lei in neck, then want to commit suicide, she even if the dead cans not die, either in the hand of disorderly minister!
Suddenly of a greatly ring, the palace outside flies to a concealed weapon and bowl off the ground in the segment's easy treasure hand a double-edged sword, concealed weapon and a double-edged sword fall to the ground together, public see go to the concealed weapon, but is a beads, drop slip away of turn on the ground!The segment easy treasure has narrow escape from death, although a double-edged sword didn't cut off throat,the edge of sword is sharp-edged, still keep rowing an a wound of her powder necks, the blood flows bottom, spread to fall collar of dress!
Segment easy treasure hand Wu wound, lift an eye to hope to go, sees palatially building Yan up jump down a person, baldheaded Huang Pao, the white beard float, is an old monk.The segment easy treasure shouts loudly a way:"Is the master it my daddy that makes you comes to save mine?"
The old monk shakes head a way:"Your daddy not to where knows to run to go to, we are also seeking him.I am to receive you previous report letter, come to save yours especially!""Where did Yang Jin test and send to you to my younger brother?"
"Do not see, I to must a little bit early don't run into him!"Old monk in quick time alignment segment easy treasure, take out to harm a medicine, tie up wound for her
Gao amount of Zhen sees this old a little calmly dialogue, unexpectedly didn't put oneself in the eye, angry in the heart, Nu way:"You come to save her.Do you have this skill?Bearer, give° him me to chop down!"
Together Gao Shi Jia's minister voice promises and kills impress, they don't dare and kill a not appropriate time of monk matter, raise weapon together, hurtle to the old monk.The old monk once connects a segment the easy treasure passes over here of handkerchief, wrap wound for her.Gao Shi Jia's minister that is blunt to these to come over, he doesn't even return bodies and flies feet to kick out backward, a serial feet, kick all of Gao Shi Jia's ministers coming over to pour.Gao Zhen Liang gets a shock.This old monk's settling is a Chong saint temple come of, the skill in martial arts is unexpectedly like this high strong, listen to his ground the words back of the good elephant still have a monk to want, this is far from good!
Gao Zhen Liang calls a way:"Use arrows, whether the dead lives or not.Put for me!"
Gao Shi Jia's minister after taking arrows to enter the temple of can be few, hear he issue order, is sparse to fall to put several arrowses.The old monk starts to grasp a segment all alone easy treasure, don't an outside hand usually the arrows play to go and bounce this a few arrows whole amounts, the feather arrows breaks an empty voice greatly doing, is unexpectedly more more sturdy than coming, stand at several most anterior expert ministers be shot to pour together, Gao amount of Zhen also frightenned a to greatly jump, the favour hides a behind.Loudly issue order, blunt before letting a ministers continue.
The ministers in the house who don't dare to come forward as well, although is orderanied by Gao amount of Zhen ground, can also dare to make a deceptive show of strength, put on an act of shout some kind of.The old monk doesn't take a lot of time in the insurance ground many waves and fly a body top building.Break through a palace crest, sail out of the room.He since can the first support that arrives at an imperial palace, light achievement nature extremely good, once wink a ground of effort, he then takes a segment the easy treasure disappeared, regardless is Gao Shi Jia's minister, is still that the city defend troops, all no one can make track for up he!
Understand in the heart of Gao Zhen Liang, segment easy treasure must drive save Chong saint the temple went to, the situation in city was undecided now, he doesn't dare to immediately send troops, go to Chong saint the temple catch a person, that Chong saint temple is greatly managing in addition to city, if he now city, the feeling together commits suicide, must first city inside put even, then he can the soldier deliver a Chong saint temple.
The minister of order house in Gao Zhen Liang grasps all of the maid-in-waiting eunuches that didn't escape in the temple, he then takes by himself the soldier kills Yang Jin to test a ground of family, Yang Shi is greatly managing of the influence not exactly compare Gao Shi Xiao how much, if the clansmen that waits them concentrates a cake of,beats by dre cheap, at that time can not deal with!The city defends troops to have never understood Gao amount of Zhen to be rebeling now, they for can not find impress, anxious thousand times, the generals a strength son ground is asked Gao amount of Zhen segment easy treasure where, Gao Zhen Liang says to them the impress was tested by Yang Jin to catch Yang Fu to go to, he is about to lead troops to save now.
The generals immediately lead troops to hurtle toward Yang Fu to, come in and then kill, the blood washes Yang Men, at Yang Jin test a ground of in home don't find out impress, they and then grasp clan's person's whole amount, beat up to force to ask, want to know Yang Shi all bottom to hides the impress to where go to.Just while making to turn over a sky in the city, the city gate is guarded soldier to report and say Yang Jin tested to run a city and went together of still have a little emperor son segment is easily long!
The generals frightened, how did Yang Jin test and hold little emperor's son?Make the city make track for shot, but Gao amount of Zhen make every effort to obstruct, don't want the generals to put first to disorder in the even city can not.The general that has mature and steady at this time once understood flavor son to come, they whether fall into trap, truely rebel of isn't Yang Shi, but Gao Shi!Once the brains calm down from the impress is held earthquake surprised, the generals knew while ascending ascend bad be, be been a gun to make, the Gao amount of Zhen unexpectedly makes use of them to force temple, how horrible, this is to truely rebel!
The generals gathered in the city to keep company in the argument matter hall of halting from measuring for a while and decided to again send troops to kill Gao amount of Zhen and faced impress once, can they understand come over also late,, Gao Shi Jia's minister suddenly hurtled into argument matter hall, the knife gun adds a body and kills all of the generals!Gao Zhen Liang declares to the common people in the great reason city later on, the city defends general and Yang Shi to rebel to strive for power together, after murdering a gentleman because the power assigns not and all, divided against itself, the generals kill Yang Shi, but his Gao Zhen Liang then loyal report lord, even put out the insurrection of the generals!
Gao Zhen Liang makes oneself assigning the city ground the house minister defend in the troops and controled troops.Because big mishap happened in the city, many usually loaf of the Tu take advantage of an opportunity a dozen of houses to rob to give up, Gao the amount of Zhen have to orderany suppression, can Gao Shi Jia's the ministers but ignore who is a good person who is a bad person, take cracking down on as to lend, loot people's wealth, resistant common people a rate kill, greatly make for two days, common people all start afraid rise Gao Zhen Liang, he kill people to also be fierce to too much, absolutely is agreeable I Chang, negative I Wu, heel tyrant similar!Common people dare the Nu not dare to talk and crack down on in Gao Zhen Liang's iron wrist under, greatly managed city to temporarily resume order, can surface ground under the equanimity, but is an undercurrent to flow out!
The affair in city is certain, Gao amount of Zhen immediately starts to order 10,000 armors and kills to go to the Chong saint temple, he not only wants to hold tight an easy treasure, but also needs to comply with the surrounding to kill off all of the monks of Chong saint temple inside together, let a surname a life time always have no chance to rise again!
Lead troops to kill into Chong saint a temple, Gao amount of Zhen discovers that here am unexpectedly that the empty temple is a , none of monks in the temple knows to run to where go to!To the common people of neighborhood a find out.Just know take place in the city mishap of on that night, the square Zhang then gave up monastery and took the whole temple's monk escapes to the south, already walk many, greatly manage a soldier is anyway make track for not to ascend.
Gao Zhen has great capacity to scold a square Zhang craftiness, he is understand square the Zhang was taking a segment easy treasure to throw southern big Tribal chief to go to there and want to assemble battalion over there.The countercharge returns to great reason city!Gao Zhen Liang is also not afraid, the segment easy treasure can assemble troops, oneself also ability, really don't go and then catch young fellow, that is also no big deal!
Return to big reason city.Gao Shi Jia's minister urgently wears to want to push Gao the amount of Zhen mount the throne, but Related articles:

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